by Dr. Nita Bharti

Preprints, Submitted Papers

Preprints and submitted

Etosha, Namibia

Etosha, Namibia

Preprints and Submitted Papers


Nikparvar, B., Cara Exten, Bharti, N. (2024) The impact of behavioral interventions on respiratory viruses in a two-cohort study. In Review. Preprint:

Blake, A., Walder, A., Hanks, E., Welo,P.O., Luquero, F., Bompangue, D., Bharti, N. (2024) Impact of a multi-pronged cholera intervention in an endemic setting. In review. Preprint:

Gonzalez, A., Nikparvar, B., Matson, M., Seifert, S., Ross, H., Munster, V., Bharti, N. (2023) Human movement and transmission dynamics early in Ebola outbreaks. Preprint:

Lambert, B. and Bharti, N. (2020): PREEMPT Australian Weather Database

Bharti, Tatem. (2018) Data and code: Fluctuations in anthropogenic nighttime lights from satellite imagery for five cities in Niger and Nigeria